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Disney's The Little Mermaid - Chicago Shakespeare Theatre

Dir. and Choreographer: Rachel Rockwell 

“Mermaid makes a splash with fans...Chicago Shakespeare long has overachieved with its summer musicals. This newly cut-down version of The Little Mermaid is a big show by any accounts. ..and Rachel Rockwell directs and choreographs with great exuberance.” 

                                                                                                                                                          -  Chicago Tribune



ONCE ON THIS ISLAND  as Agwe/ Dance Captain -Kalamazoo Civic Theatre

Dir. and choreography: Anthony J. Hamilton with Heather Mitchell.

...the fantastic more ethereal and elemental character Este’ Fan Kizer as potent, swirling God of the Sea, Agwe.The Civic’s “Once on This Island” offers wonderful homage to island culture on practically every level, with a nod to the wounds of colonialism, while keeping its focus on its mighty beating heart — the power of artful storytelling shot through with spirit."

                                                                                                                                     -Marin, Heinritz REVUEWM


KISS ME KATE *PAUL* WMU University Theatre

Dir. and Choreographer: Christoper George Patterson

" ... Full of inspired performances, and pays homage to silver screen musicals. the huge sizzling presence of Este'Fan Kizer as Paul.  University Theatre’s “Kiss Me Kate” gets it right and proves once again what an extraordinarily gifted musical theatre program WMU offers — and shares with this community.  - Marin Heinritz, RevueWM. 




Dir. Hans Friedrichs 

" ... it was especially fun to watch her fall for Seaweed stubs, played by Este'Fan Kizer. Kizer, makes the most of long, thin limbs to perform dance moves that make you want to cheer. He easily outdances any of the boys on the Corny Collins show and by merit alone should have a spot. That he inspires Tracy and gives her the right moves to get on the show is never in doubt. He's a dancing fiend and has the acting chops to go along with them." - Bridgette Redman, Encore Michigan




" ... honors also go to Este'Fan Kizer, whose buttery baritone becomes a startling falsetto on “I Could Be That Guy." Certainly a voice to grab your attention. It helps that he's one of the better dancers, a skill put to good use on “Loud,” his duet with Kasady Kwiatkowska. - Hannah Ball, Western Herald.


SISTER ACT *EDDIE SOUTHER* Kalamzoo Civic Theatre

Dir. Jim Carver

" ...there’s one performer whose virtuosity is so stunning it nearly takes your breath away. Este’ Fan Kizer’s acting, singing and dancing simply leaves you longing for the next time he’ll make an entrance. No doubt his Lou Rawls-inspired “I Could Be that Guy” will one night lead to spontaneous screams of delight and panties from the audience being tossed onstage. He hits all the right notes in all the right ways, from the deepest bass to the sweetest falsetto, and the desire he exudes inspires the same in others. Over the course of the show he shifts from awkward slapsticky rookie cop to smooth operator knight-in-shining-armor. And he does so without ever becoming cartoonish. He’s simply marvelous."

- Marin Heinrintz, REVUEWM. 



Dir. Hans Friedrichs

"... Este'Fan Kizer stands out in his role as Seaweed. - Nicole L.V.Mullis, BattleCreekInquirer



DREAMGIRLS with Face Off Theatre Company as Jimmy "Thunder" Early 


Dir. Marissa Harrington. 

"...The men who try to control these divas are equally magnificent characters, thanks to wonderful performances. Este’Fan Kizer is an extraordinary vocal stylist with explosive moves and energy as the soulful Jimmy Early who refuses to whitewash his music and performances. Kizer successfully channels James Brown for the role while making it his own and transcending mere imitation. Every time he takes the stage the temperature in the room rises, and he rightfully nearly stops the show when he goes rogue with “The Rap.” - Marin Heinrintz, Encore Michigan. 

                          WMU DEPT. OF Theatre  Endoresment

                                                                                                                          " .... Este'Fan has tremendous talent and it is clear that he will have a successful professional career. ... As the director of Musical theatre Performance at Western Michigan University. I have worked extensively with Este'Fan during his tenure at WMU.  Arriving in the program with great talent and enthusiasm, he has shown remarkable growth and dedication. His commitment to his studies and ability to work with others in his craft are admirable characteristics  in this field. His  passion, enthusiasm and great energy lights up any room where there is dancing involved. Este'Fan is the prime example of a young professional. He is a fast learner and retains quickly. ... Lovlely ensemble player and a joy to work with. He has talent and his head on straight and has a clear vision of where he's going and the steps along the way that will get him there." -

                                                                                                                Jay Berkow, WMU Music Theatre Chair.


Farmers Alley Theatre Company reignites ‘Camelot’ with modern flair.

     As,  Sir. Sagramore

     -Dir. Lee Buckholz 

...The round table is further represented by three knights—Atis Kleinbergs as Sir Lionel, Jeff Cachero as Sir Dinandan, and Este’Fan Kizer as Sir Sagamore. Their voices bring a rich and varied texture to the music and their acting a welcome comic relief to the heartbreaking main storyline. The small-cast version of Camelot, packs an emotional punch while presenting a classic musical with a very modern feel and an emphasis on themes that feel more relevant than ever.                     

                                                                                                                   Bridgette Redman, EncoreMichigan.

Farmers Alley Theatre Company ‘Camelot’ expertly takes the old and makes it new with talent and craft.  

     As,  Sir. Sagramore

     -Dir. Lee Buckholz 

...And as serious and complex is their reach is also met with real comic gifts that border on camp at times, particularly in “The Lusty Month of May,” heightened by Heather Paige Folsom’s playful choreography, and the chorus of knights—Atis Kleinbergs , Jeff Cachero, and Este’Fan Kizer. They physically express and hold up so much of the narrative’s movement with very little dialogue. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Marin Heinritz, RevueWestMichigan. 

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